Wizard Eye

Arcane Transmutation/Alteration
Level: Magic User 4
Range: Caster
Duration: 1 round/level
Area of Effect: Magical eye
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 turn
Saving Throw: None

The wizard eye is a scrying spell allowing the wizard to create a material (but invisible) visual organ that transmits to the caster whatever it sees. The eye has infravision with a range of 100 ft and can see at a distance of 600 ft in normal lighting. The eye travels at a rate of 30 ft per round if it is not scrutinising its surroundings closely, but can proceed no faster than 10 ft per round if it is examining floors, ceilings, and walls. The magic user can detect secret doors through the eye as per his or her normal chance, but cannot view through the eye with any special vision the magic user has, for the eye’s vision is limited to its own sensory capabilities. The eye cannot pass through solid substances, but it can move through a hole no more than an inch in diameter.