Clenched Fist

Arcane Evocation
Level: Magic user 8
Range: 5 ft / level
Duration: 1 round / level
Area of Effect: Enchanted hand
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 8 segments
Saving Throw: None

As with the other hand spells, clenched fi st evokes a magical hand, but in this case the hand is always at least as large as a giant’s and is curled into a fist rather than held open. The clenched fist strikes one of the magic user’s enemies per round, never missing, for so long as the caster concentrates upon it. No other activity is possible while concentrating, and breaking the caster’s concentration ends the spell. The fist rolls a d20 to determine damage (it hits automatically): on a roll of 1-12, the fist deals 1d6 hp of damage; on a 13-15, it deals 2d6 hit points, on a roll of 16-19 it deals 3d6 hit points and stuns the opponent for one round, and on a roll of 20+ it deals 4d6 hit points and stuns the opponent for 3 rounds. If the opponent has already been stunned, the d20 roll receives a +4 bonus. As with the other hand spells, the hand has as many hit points as the caster’s full hit points.