Audible Glamour

Arcane Illusion/Phantasm
Level: Magic user 2
Range: 60 ft + 10 ft / level
Duration: 2 rounds / level
Area of Effect: Hearing distance from targeted point
Components: V, M
Casting Time: 2 segments
Saving Throw: See below

This spell is, as its name suggests, the creation of illusory sounds. The caster designates a focal point for the spell, which must, of course, be within the spell’s range. The focal point can be moved by the caster at will until the spell’s duration expires. The spell can create any type of sound, but the maximum volume of the noise depends upon the caster’s level. A third level caster can produce the noise of 4 people shouting (or acting more quietly). Each additional caster level allows the caster to add the sound of four more people into the illusion. As a benchmark, the sound of an explosion or landslide would require a caster level of approximately 8th. Listeners are only entitled to saving throws if they have cause to doubt the apparent sounds. Players must state such disbelief, while the GM will make such determinations for monsters and NPCs based on the plausibility of the audible glamour.