Turn Wood

Druidic Transmutation/Alteration
Level: Druid 6
Range: 0
Duration: 4 rounds/level
Area of Effect: 120 ft wide path, 20 ft long/level
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 8 segments
Saving Throw: None

At the completion of this spell, the druid holds his or her palm outstretched, and with the final word of the spell a tremendous burst of power rolls forth, forcing back all wooden objects. Even very large wooden structures that are not affixed to the ground will be affected, although objects fixed to the ground will manage to withstand the spell’s awesome power. A saplingsized or smaller piece of wood will splinter and break even if it is firmly affixed. The druid need not concentrate on maintaining the waves of force and cannot change the direction of the flow of eldritch power once it is set.