Tranport via Plants

Druidic Transmutation/Alteration
Level: Druid 6
Range: Touch
Duration: See below
Area of Effect: See below
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 3 segments
Saving Throw: None

The mystic oneness of all nature is a principal tenet of many druidic sects, and it sees practical use in the transport via plants spell. Upon casting this spell, the druid may travel almost instantly from one plant to another through the mystic oneness that joins all life forms. The spell operates in much the same fashion as pass plant, but with an unlimited range.

When the spell is cast, the druid simply steps into a large plant of any kind and disappears into it. He or she may remain in the first plant for up to 24 hours, but at any time he or she may step forth from another plant of the same species in another location. The druid may know of a specific plant from which he or she wants to emerge, or may simply specify a distance and a direction. If the druid does not know of a specific destination plant, his or her arrival may be off by 1d% miles from the desired point of arrival, at the GM’s discretion.