Control Weather

Druidic Transmutation/Alteration
Level: Druid 7
Range: 0
Duration: 8d12 hours
Area of Effect: 4d8 square miles
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 turn
Saving Throw: None

The control weather spell brings about a rapid change in the weather of several square miles surrounding the point where the spell is cast. It requires no more than 10-40 minutes for the spell to take its full effect across the vast area it covers. The spell affects precipitation, temperature, and wind speed. Existing weather conditions cannot be utterly changed by the force of this spell, but druids are able to cause more of a change than clerics can with the same spell; effectively twice the amount of change is possible for a druid. The druid could not bring heavy rain forth on a clear day, but could change the weather from clear to partly cloudy, and then to fully cloudy (with light rain, perhaps), all in the course of one casting. By comparison, a cleric would only have been able to bring about partial clouds. Hot weather can be made cool, and a strong wind can be raised from calm air. This spell may be cast more than once in succession to bring about a dramatic change, moving, for example, from a calm to a strong wind, then from the strong wind to a full-scale storm.