Astral Spell

Clerical Trasmutation/Alteration
Level: Cleric 7
Range: Touch
Duration: See below
Area of Effect: See below
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 3 turns
Saving Throw: None

Casting an astral spell allows the cleric and up to fi ve companions to leave their material bodies and travel through the astral plane to other planes of existence. As the spell is cast, the character’s material body enters a trance-like state of suspended animation while his or her consciousness enters the astral plane. The astral plane is a nexus with other planes of existence beyond, and the cleric may choose to enter these other planes of existence. If a character does transcend from the astral into another plane, he or she becomes a physical manifestation in that existence, forming a duplicate body identical to the one left in stasis back in the material plane. It is possible to travel astrally to other locations in the material plane, but a new body cannot be formed in a plane where the character already has a physical manifestation. While travelling in the astral plane, and after a new physical manifestation has formed on a plane beyond the astral, the character remains connected to his or her original body by a “silver cord,” an invisible, mystical link. If the silver cord is broken or severed (some threats in the astral plane can cause this to happen), the character dies, both on the material plane and in astral form.

Most magic items lose some or all of their power on the astral plane. Unless an item’s magical qualities are imbued so deeply as to exist in many planes, an astral traveller’s physical manifestation on another plane will be equipped with only the unenchanted substance of otherwise magic items and weapons.